Three Oregon Schools Increase School Security and Improve Emergency Lockdown Preparedness with Classroom Lockdown Shades
School safety is a top priority for the Oregon-based restaurant, Mo's Restaurant.
Just as students were getting ready to head back to school, the team at Mo's Restaurant graciously dropped off school supplies including Hideaway Helper lockdown shades to three local schools, Taft Elementary, Oceanlake Elementary, and Taft 7-12 High School. These schools were looking to increase school security and improve emergency lockdown preparedness by installing blackout window coverings on all of the classroom and office doors in their schools.
Funding for Necessary School Safety Products
What Taft Elementary, Oceanlake Elementary, and Taft 7-12 High School were also looking for was a way to fund the necessary school security expense. That's when Mo's Restaurant stepped up to provide the financial resources to pay the bill for the lockdown shades.
School Safety Solution is proud to be partners with not only school districts, but also community members that are committed to increase school safety in order to protect our future. As school security continues to be a hot topic of conversation, districts are becoming creative in the ways to find funding for these essential school safety products.
Whether it's the federal or state governments, PTOs or PTAs, local businesses, or teachers themselves providing the funding for these school safety products, one thing remains clear: it is vital for all schools to be better equipped and prepared to handle a lockdown emergency. After all, it's our future that we are protecting.
Read more about the generous efforts of Mo's Restaurant here.
Posted on August 30 2018